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Why Your Feet are Stinky, Crusty, Infected, Bloated, Moldy, Bad Circulation and Purple with Veins Bulging!

It’s your horrible diet. That’s the reason. Nobody ever taught you how to eat naturally. Like a sponge, you bought into all the junk. Your parents ate it so you thought it must be ok right? The Purple dinosaur on TV told you that Captain Crunch was nutritious and full of vitamins and you’d get a toy too! And they told you to drink your milk every day! And cheese! lol So then you ate Pizza Hut, Bojangles, Mcdonalds, birthday cake, rotisserie chicken, donuts, Wonder Bread, Coco cola, deep fried boogle dangles and more! Now 42% of Americans are OBESE. Not just fat! OBESE! That is why your feet are so HORRIBLE! Your feet are at the bottom of your body (think about gravity – it’s easier for fluids to go down than up) and the capillaries are very small in your extremities. It’s easy for bad fats to collect in these places. (hands and feet). Bad circulation will cause GUNK to build up in your feet!!!

Ok, so here is what you do…

THE RULE of Eating. (The one people hate – but should NEVER break.)

You’re going to LOVE me when I reveal this simple yet logical rule for eating! It’s TIME for everyone to learn the truth and it amazes me that so few people know, follow or admit to the rule. Even those who say “I eat pretty healthy” don’t usually follow this one commandment that should never be broken!

The rule is to EAT NATURALLY. Yup, I told you that it was simple but… it’s not these days. You see, there’s a LOT of money in processed food sales and people are totally addicted to it – so good luck finding the truth. Even doctors don’t follow the rule! (Like people in the medical industry are actually healthy. Lol They’re NOT!)

You should know that if you do eat naturally, you will avoid so many diseases! While everyone else is getting heart disease, diabetes, infections and more, you’ll stay healthy and avoid pharmaceutical drugs! Now just imagine the problems you’ll curtail if you stay away from conventional “medicine”. Lol

The good news is that I’m going to give you the specifics in just a short essay. Even if you get mad at me I’m still going to tell you everything you need to get started. Even if you say stuff like, “How f-ing dare you tell me what to eat! You bashdard!” Don’t worry! I’ll know that it’s just the addicted you in denial and that the real you wants to eat naturally and be healthy!

Here are the five most important keys to eating naturally.

DO NOT eat processed foods. This means reading all the labels and not consuming ANY food that is not in its original and whole, God-given (for religious/spiritual folks) form. If you don’t know what whole foods are, read a good book on the subject. (Even if you do nothing more, at least follow this first key. No you cannot cheat and eat birthday cake – unless it’s made with only whole foods!)

DO NOT eat chemical additives or preservatives. If the label reads something that does not sound like a FOOD, do NOT eat it! Remember, eat naturally. Always read the label!

DO NOT eat mass produced meat. One of the biggest problems that people have (but don’t realize it) is that mass produced chicken, pork and turkey are not healthy or natural. These animals are raised in confined spaces and buildings, fed WAY TOO MUCH grain, they’re hybrid to the point of being skewed and abnormal, and they’re very unhealthy on all levels.

Some of the meats you can eat are: Free ranging beef and buffalo, home grown free ranging animals, wild fish including sardines, salmon, mackerel and others, canned oysters and free range organic eggs. Remember, eat only WILD and healthy (happy) animals! (Even organic, free range chicken is horribly hybrid and Frankensteinian in nature. Look up Cornish Cross breed chicken. Look up how turkeys can’t even mate because their breasts are so obscurely huge due to decades of hybridizing – all for money!) If you eat obscure animals, you will become obscure yourself.

Work toward a plant based diet. We are evolving in this direction. Study it. Know it! Believe it based on evidence and logic. See it when you look into the eyes of an animal. Feel it in your heart.

Get away from wheat and dairy! Although some may think that these are natural foods, they have serious inherent GLUEY, STICKY problems. The first red flag is that wheat and dairy are the biggest allergy foods for people. Oh the indigestion, the bloating and the gas! LOOK at how many GF and DF products you see at the store nowadays. Listen to your body!

Wheat gluten is very sticky and causes undigested plaque (aka mucoid plaque) to build up in the digestive system. This gunk inhibits the absorption of nutrients into your body. It’s also creating the perfect breeding ground for parasites of all kinds to grow. LOOK at how bloated people’s bellies have become! So eat non-glutenous grains like brown rice, millet, quinoa, amaranth, buckwheat, wild rice, teff and others. These are the grains that won’t leave residue in human bodies.

Diary casein is another sticky substance that clogs the body. It’s very mucous forming and causes a LOT of respiratory infections. (Anything that stagnates the body is allowing the growth of bacteria and viruses!) Look up diseases caused by eating dairy foods! Cow’s milk is for baby calves, not humans! So get off dairy by eating nut milks, rice milk and other fortified substitutes that mimic milk. Then work into EATING YOUR GREENS for calcium (and many other nutrients). This is real health – true health.

Do not eat GMO or non-organic foods! For millions of years your body has evolved on natural foods – not lab-created nonsense! To eat naturally, your food should be natural! Food grown with synthetic fertilizers, chemical pesticides and other strangeness should be AVOIDED AT ALL COSTS! Yes, I know it’s expensive to buy organic. Grow your own! Change your priorities! Ask yourself, “What’s more important, my health or a new car?” Start shopping at your local health food store instead of the giant chain store with the pharmacy in it! Support small businesses that have their priorities in order!

So these are the basics for eating naturally. If you follow my dietary guidelines you’ll also need to do a lot of cleansing. Learn how to get rid of all the built-up toxicity in your body! Read books. Watch videos. Work on your diet/body/mind/emotions/spirituality every single day. It is a lifelong project.

NOTE! There are some other important things that you must learn in order to change your diet! You’ll have to do enemas, self massage, psyllium bentonite shakes, stretching, praying and more to deal with all the diet changes.

Good luck!

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Alzheimer’s and Dementia Cure?

Something to ponder on…

Could it be that the reason people have so many brain problems these days is because of what they EAT?

Might it be that the information for eating right has been around for a very long time?  (Didn’t Jack La Lane mention this over 50 years ago?  Didn’t Paul Bragg tell these things to people in the 1960’s?  Why didn’t people believe them?  42% of the population is now OBESE!)

Therefore the people that have dementia, Alzheimer’s and other brain diseases are largely or even completely to blame for their own problem!  Absolutely!

What FOODS are causing the problem?

Since the brain is 60% fat and most of the fat that people eat is horrible, might THAT be the problem???  Duh!!!!

So basically, people brains are CLOGGED with GUNK right?  By God I think you’ve got it old boy!

If people start eating more omega 3 and less omega 6 and OUST processed oils and mass produced meat, might their brains start functioning better?  You never know!

So what fats can I eat?

Clue:  EAT SARDINES in WATER, WILD SALMON, FLAX OIL, FLAX SEEDS, COCONUT OIL and WALNUTS.  Olive oil is ok.  No more store bought chicken, pork or turkey!  No farmed fish!  Only wild or range free, happy animals are ok to eat!!!

What’s the big problem?

If people keep buying into the medical industry as a quick fix so that they can keep their processed food addictions, will they get better?  Good luck!

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Millet Pillow Reviews

To read honest millet pillow reviews that are totally uncensored, go to Brett’s Natural Health. Just click on customer reviews and go all the way to the bottom of the page. There you will find unbiased reviews for quality millet pillows. Many of my customers will never buy a pillow from any other website. This is because they see and feel the quality of my product.

KEY ASPECT: In many of my millet pillow reviews, people claim to have completely lost their neck pain overnight! This is because you get natural support vs synthetic foam that’s constantly pushing back against your body! Additionally, millet hull pillows keep the spine aligned. You can get your pillow to be just the right height by adjusting the amount of hulls and by conforming the pillow to mold to your head, neck and shoulders. It’s also because millet pillows have no chemical smell. All of these benefits help with neck pain caused by not using a natural pillow.

A natural millet pillow offers many benefits to it’s user. First off, millet pillows are super comfortable. People like how they are softer than buckwheat. For most people, millet pillows are the perfect amount of softness to help them get to sleep fast! Also, you can adjust the tension in the pillow by adding or subtracting hulls. This also changes how soft the pillow is and how much support it provides.

If you search for a millet bodypillow or knee ankle bolster, you’ll find that Brett’s Natural Health is the place to buy them. You can also buy a horseshoe neck cushion for traveling or lounging.

For over 12 Years I’ve sold the best millet hulls pillows. Experience counts! Each year I improve my pillows by increasing the quality of the materials, sewing techniques, colors, sizes and more! Read the excellent reviews and you will certainly see that I have a great product!

Millet pillows are softer vs buckwheat pillows so you get more comfort when you sleep. Many people say that buckwheat pillows are too hard and don’t move well enough. Also, they don’t like the crunchy noises either.

Millet pillows don’t have bugs. This is definitely one of the factors talked about in my millet pillow reviews. Bugs don’t want to eat the hulls… only the seed.

One of the most important aspects of buying is customer service. Anyone can call me and ask anything they like about my pillows. I’m usually here and able to help you. (828) 678-3343. Call anytime.

Here’s a Youtube video review for you to listen to.

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Foods I Eat and Those I Don’t…

Greetings everyone,

As people realize that natural healing is the real deal and not just a quick fix, they start to spend more time working on their own health.  Here are some of my favorite WHOLE foods that just about anyone can eat: 

Rule #1 :  I do not eat any processed foods.  (Where part of the food is mechanically removed and thrown away.)  This goes against God and nature and anyone that breaks this rule will pay in poor health an disease. It’s also very wasteful!   I quit all processed foods in 1992.  Was it easy?  No but I did it!  I simply drew a line in the sand and never went back!    If you’d like to chat about your health, I offer holistic consultations.  Get a full hour for just $50!

Vegetables I eat:  Collards, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, onions, squashes, mushrooms, cabbage, parsley, cilantro, sweet potato, potato, and so many more!  I like to bake, steam, fry or boil them.  Sometimes I do two cooking methods. 

Note #1:  I almost always wash my vegetables and fruits in baking soda water by soaking them for up to 10 minutes and then rinsing.  You can also use white vinegar. 

Foot health tip!  Do a hot gravel foot bath regularly!  Watch my videos!  Also, get ya some foot massage tools and massage your footsies every day! 

Fruits I eat:  I love apples, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots, dates, figs, raisins and grapes, plums and prunes, all berries, pomegranate, and other temperate climate fruits.  I can eat some tropical fruits moderately like pineapple, and I can also eat citrus in moderation IE oranges, grapefruit, lemon and lime. Sometimes I react to melons but I love watermelon in summer (with seeds!).  I eat dried fruits all year but more fresh in summer and dried in winter. I LUV mulberries!

Note #2:  I eat 98% organic foods and I often buy local. 

Grains:  I eat all the non-glutenous grains like millet, rice, quinoa, amaranth, wild rice, oats and buckwheat.  I don’t eat wheat, barley, or rye because they have sticky gluten that clogs my digestive system.  (I believe those grains are better suited for the animals)  I’ve not eaten glutenous grains since 2002. 

Note #3:  I first started getting off of wheat and also diary in about 1992.  It took me a full 8 years to completely quit these “foods”.  Every time I’d go back to them, I’d get the same digestive grief so eventually I just quit! 

Nuts and seeds:  I eat peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, baked squash seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, and others.  Today I got a Cuisinart seed, nut and spice grinder.  I love it already.  I have bad teeth so I’m sure it’s really going to help me. 

Beans:  I love all kinds of beans including soy.  I used to be allergic to soy but now that I’ve cleaned out my body, I have no trouble with it. 

Animals foods:  I eat eggs, fish like salmon and oysters.  If I really need some beef I will eat it but it’s really heavy on my gut.  Also, I’m hoping to eventually get to be 100% plant based.  I do not eat ANY mass produced, overly hybridized meats like chicken, pork or turkey.  If an animal is not normal due to being hybrid too much and fed way too much grain, then it’s not healthy!  Avoid!

Dairy:  Consuming another’s animal’s mammary fluids is not natural except for the baby of that animal.  The fat and casein in milk will CLOG your body and bring illness and disease.  End of story.  

Thanks for reading!  Thanks for supporting my work by buying products at Brett’s Natural Health! 

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How much should You exercise? 

Today I was thinking about how runners always contact me with knee and foot pain.  Also, I was thinking about how they so typically over-exercise.  Then I was thinking about how I used to be an over-exerciser myself!  Then I was thinking about all the millions of people that don’t get any exercise at all!  It’s crazy the contrast between the two! 

Let’s get specific…

So hopefully you’re starting to see where I’m going with this.  When people say that moderation is the key to happiness, it’s no lie.  It’s the same with exercise.  You really have to get into a nice groove of getting just the right amount daily.  In my opinion, 30-60 minutes a day is pretty good.  You might even exercise for two hours.  It depends on what kind of exercise you’re doing and how often you’re doing it.  Of course you don’t want to do a really strenuous cardiovascular work out for as long as you would walking.  It’s really just common, yet uncommon sense.  (That few people have these days.)  Listen to your body and mind.  Give them what they need!

Barefoot sprinting at the high school baseball field!  Click for video!

Health tip #1!  Everyone should at least get themselves a therapeutic pillow!  It’s about the easiest health change a person can make!   Where to exercise. 

For me, I like to exercise outside.  There was a time when I went to the gym.  Now I like to go to the local recreation park.  It’s so much healthier to breathe cleaner air and enjoy the beauty of nature.  I’m not saying that there aren’t advantages to going to the gym.  (You might like the classes, lifting weights or swimming.)  Now that I live in a small town, I’d rather swim in a river with no chlorine.  Anytime I can get away from the adulterated, polluted human menagerie, I do it! 

Health tip #2:  Buy some excellent massage tools and get into a daily routine of self-massage and stretching! 

​It’s good to accomplish things when you exercise!

What about self massage and stretching?
I do about an hour of self massage and stretching every day. 

Yes, this is an exercise and it’s very important!  Whenever you have back pain, use a Theracane to massage the pain out!  Also, my wooden spine rollers are key to spinal and bodily health because they crack and massage your back in just a few minutes daily!  My favorite time to do self massage and stretching is either just before sleeping or just after.  If I really want to sleep well, I spend a good deal of time massaging my feet, legs, hands and arms.  Anything else that needs attention gets it!  I spare no expense because I WANT TO FEEL AS GOOD AS POSSIBLE all the time! 

(Even if you just sit on your butt all day and never exercise, you still need a butt massage ball!  Your ass is going to get so sore if you don’t massage it!)

New video!  Watch me teach Olivia how to do foot massage at the park. 

What are the best shoes for walking? 

In my non-humble opinion, shoes with no heel rise that have lots of arch support are the best kind of shoes.  What you want is for your ankles to fully flex and extend when you walk.  You also want to get a full amount of support on your arch so that your foot muscles stretch when you walk!  If you can find a good pair of “zero drop” shoes (that have the ability to open up on the top – like laces) and then add my custom orthotics to them, you’ve got a good shoe.  This is how you accomplish the goal of flat yet supported feet.  If you want to take it a step further, try my all natural sandals!  They’re made with all natural materials and have the orthotics built right into them.  Also, they’re made to be the perfect shape of your feet!  CUSTOM BABY!  Yea! 
Thanks for reading!  I hope you get out today and exercise the perfect amount for YOU! 

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The Man Who Knew Things (but couldn’t tell anyone).

Once there was a man that knew incredible things that could save the world… but those things were too advanced for the people to accept. So the man had to keep the things inside.

Each day the man would see the people suffering. He knew how to heal them but he couldn’t speak.  For he knew that they would only mock him and refuse the information.  They’d make up excuses for why they couldn’t comply to the simple yet advanced knowledge.  Still the man had inner peace because he knew that nature and time were on his side.  He also knew that he was only a single being that could not force change on anyone.

So there he was… sitting in his little abode, working on his own well-being. Breathing, stretching, preparing simple meals.  Enjoying an afternoon walk and writing stories…. waiting for the student to appear.

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High Gas Prices Make Me Happy!

If you watch the news you’d think that high gas prices are the end of the world!  Don’t get me wrong… I know it’s hard for a lot of people but really, there are just so many perks that we all should be grateful!

Everyone knows how we need to walk, bicycle and carpool more right?  Ok!  Then let’s just do what we know we need to do!  How long have we known that we need to get back to doing these all natural/eco-friendly activities?  A LONG TIME!  Lol.  So it’s not as though the current changes are a big ol’ surprise right?  It’s not like you’ve never thought that a gallon of gas might someday be $10/gallon right?  Of course you have!  The question is how are you going to deal with it?

Humans have been walking forever and it makes sense that continuing to do things that we’ve evolved on is good for our health.  Walking to the store would be really good for us.  How about walking to work or school?  When I was a kid I had to walk to school and I grew to like it.  Petting dogs, looking at the trees, smelling flowers and talking to birds are some of my favorite walking activities.  Yes, I talk to birds.  I also talk to squirrels and ground hogs.  Most people talk to their dogs and cats but I talk to all of them!  Remember Dr. Doolittle?  Ha ha ha.

One of my favorite things to do, still after all these years, is bicycling.  Creating my own inertia (vs buying gas) to propel myself from point A to B is such a cool thing to me.  (I create my own bicycle propellant too!  Yes, I make almost all of my own healthy organic food.)  Joy riding is fun but for me, accomplishing a task is even more rewarding.  I have a flat-bed trailer for my bike and I take many of my packages to the post office and the UPS store for delivery.  It boggles my mind that other people don’t walk or bike to accomplish their daily tasks.  (For the naysayers yes, I also created the PLACE that I live in and the OCCUPATION I have which are conducive to less driving and healthy living!  Yaa hooo!)

The biggest reason I’m happy about gas prices going up is the loneliness.  You see, when I walk or bike I seldom see other people doing the same.  It makes me feel as though I am the only one that cares.  Maybe I’m the only one that has created a lifestyle that caters to good health?  All I know is that it makes me feel very lonely and sad and I hope that gas prices get up to $20/gallon!

Gas prices are advertised at over five dollars a gallon, Feb. 28, 2022, in Los Angeles. Gasoline prices are rising again as talk grows about the United States banning imports of oil from Russia to punish the country for invading Ukraine. The national average price, Monday, March 7, 2022, jumped above $4.06 a gallon. Auto club AAA says that’s the highest price that American motorists have faced since July 2008. (AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

P.S.  The smell of car fumes is another reason why I love that gas prices are going UP!  Hopefully someday the air will be cleaner!  Call me weird but I was also happy about Covid 19!  (In India they could see the Himalaya Mountains for the first time in 30 years!)  Thank God/nature for setting humans straight!

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The Man that had Everything!

Once there was a man named Bob that thought he had everything.  After graduating from high school he went to college and received a lucrative degree in finance. With that knowledge he made a lot of money in his life. His investments in stocks and bonds made him millions of dollars. He was good looking, had a beautiful wife, a huge house, a Mercedes Benz, two kids and a golden retriever.  Additionally, he was a good Christian and attended church every weekend.  Lovingly, he donated a lot of his wealth to Jesus. Bob had left no base uncovered in his life… or so he thought.

Each day Bob got up and ate his pancakes, eggs, bacon and cheese. He also liked Captain Crunch with milk poured on top. Each afternoon he stopped at Burger King for a Whopper and fries. With every meal he had to have meat and potatoes and he always had a soda to drink. This was the diet Bob’s parents had consumed and the one he’d been taught to eat from the day he was born. He also liked drinking beer because this is what all his friends did – as a social activity. By the time he got to be about 45, he already looked bloated. At age 55 you’d think he was pregnant – as his belly was so HUGE!

Then Bob started having health problems – specifically, acid indigestion, gas and abdominal pain. Fortunately, because he had plenty of wealth, he did have the best health insurance money could buy – so he went to the doctor. The doctor prescribed to him several different medications and he happily went home to resume his previous lifestyle.

Initially his health troubles subsided but soon thereafter he started experiencing rectal bleeding and diarrhea. Two months later he was dead! He was only 68 years old.

His kids were in shock. How did this happen? They also thought their dad had everything. They went to the funeral. It was so sad but least they were going to get all his money! Yaa hoo! Now they too could buy all the junk food that they needed to be happy!

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Why Don’t Podiatrists Teach Foot Massage?

Hello everyone!  I find it AMAZING that podiatrists do not teach their patients how to massage their feet!  Maybe it’s because if they did, they’d be out of business very soon! 

Did you know that every single person on earth should be massaging their feet every single day?  It’s 100% true!  Your feet get so tight and sore over time if they’re not being massaged regularly – preferably every day!  I know this because I’m a massage therapist that’s been healing my body for 30 years now.  If I didn’t massage my feet every night before I go to bed, I’d be in serious trouble.  I wouldn’t even be able to sleep and I’d be in pain all the time!  Most people that get into this situation will go see a podiatrist.  Will they teach them how to massage their feet?  Absolutely not!  They’ll probably recommend $500 plastic orthotics and cortisone shots or even surgery!  It BLOWS MY MIND at just how stupid and dishonest physicians are now days!  It’s all about money and people buy into it!  Why?  They seem to look professional.  They accept “health insurance”.  Lol.  They have a nice office!  They speak in medical terminology that sounds technical and logical and they have a quick fix for every ailment!  Yaa hooo! 

Right now I have five Foot Friend massage tools finished and ready to go.  The Foot Friend is easy to use.  You just step on it and start massaging your feet.  You spend five minutes per foot every day digging out the pain and tension.  Then you will feel better!  I also recommend buying the small hand tool, the Soother for getting the places that can’t be massaged with the Foot Friend. 

The regular Foot Friend massage tool.
Regular Foot Friend massage tool on the arch of the foot.

The Foot Friend massage tool is made out of solid maple and will last forever!  Imagine having a simple, natural tool that can be used every single day to help you feel better!  In order for me to make these tools, I have to drive all the way out to the barn because I cannot do woodworking here at my apartment.  I’m not bending over backwards to make these because I plan on getting rich!  I do it because I know how beneficial these products are for your health!  I also offer foot massage lessons live online!  You can learn directly from me how to dig the pain and tension out of your feet and get rid of plantar fasciitis, heel spurs, Morton’s neuroma and pain! 

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Inversion on the Side of a Hill.

Here’s one for ya… Use GRAVITY to HEAL your body! Lay on the side of a grassy hill… INVERTED (with your head on the lower end) facing the blue sky. Feel the extra blood filling your head. Feel the relief on your shoulder muscles and back. Massage your abdominal region and feel for where it’s sore in there. Stretch your legs while inverted too! Listen to the birds, bees and the wind in the trees. Now the mind is uncorking… forgetting about the B.S. of this crazy world. Start out easy and only do this for a few minutes each day. Inversion is POWERFUL medicine. Then build yourself a board with bracing on the back of it. Put a yoga mat on it so you don’t slide. Invert in your house too! All winter! You are the master of your own health. Inversion on the side of a hill is a powerful tool!

Would doctors ever teach you inversion on the side of a hill?

Do doctors teach you these hugely important things? Of course not! There’s no money in telling people about inverting in their yards! lol

People are really starting to think about natural health now! It’s so exciting yet healing takes WORK… just like chopping wood or doing dishes. Watch my videos on Youtube!

One thing you can do to get or stay healthy is massage your feet every day. Reflexology is SUPER healthy and you’ll feel better afterward! Try my Foot Friend massage tool! Just stand on it and dig out the pain! No pain, no gain! Beats any massage therapist cuz you can do it every single day… anytime you need it. You can also crack and massage your own back with my wooden spine rollers! No chiropractor required! Get serious relief! While you’re at it, you might as well sleep on a decent pillow. My millet hull pillows are simply the BEST! Git ya one!The MIND is a powerful tool. Focus on health, not fear. Breathe and have faith.

Inverting on the side of a hill. Easy. Free. Seriously therapeutic!
The arrows show how the body is being tractioned on the rubber giving relief to the spine.
Inverting on a slant board indoors. Do inversion all winter!
Build yourself a slant board. 7’x 24″ braced on the back.