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Health is Wealth! Know and Live the Truth!

Health is wealth.

WHAT is Really Valuable in Life?

Health is TRUE wealth but health is also SECURITY my friends. If you are healthy, then you are truly “safe”. If you are financially wealthy but not mentally, physically emotionally and spiritually healthy, then you are NOT feeling very safe now days. 

Air quality health is wealth!

It is AMAZING that the sky is blue again!  I thought I’d never see the day!  I kept thinking to myself, “How can God make the earth healthy again?”  Wow, isn’t it incredible that one little virus can bring down the overexpansion of a greedy, spoiled race?  Remember, health is wealth!  Health is wealth!  People everywhere (not just in the country) can go outside and breathe clean air again!  You don’t even have to live high in the wealthy hills of a city and you can go outside and BREATHE clean air!  Of course this is just a taste of something people have not enjoyed for over 50 years but maybe… just maybe they will remember instinctually how good it is!  

Benefits of holistic health…

When your mind and body are healthy (because you have seriously worked your ass off) then you have an inner feeling that all is well. Why? Because you have DONE YOUR BEST to take care of yourself every single day! When you take care of yourself, you are also taking care of the WORLD! I hope this is obvious to everyone now!  Health is wealth!

“Healthcare” is not wealth!

Real health care is NOT the medical industry. It is taking care of yourself naturally at home.  Luckily, all the doctors, nurses and hospital staff in our country are now considering the benefits of becoming “health nuts”!  You never know, we may have a new world soon.  I am so excited!  Health is wealth!

Thanks for watching my videos and for supporting my life’s work.  Try one of my fantastic pillows here

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Millet vs Millet Hulls – What’s the difference?

What is the difference between millet and millet hulls?

People often have a question about millet vs millet hulls. They usually think that their millet hull pillow is going to be made with the grain called millet. This is incorrect. Millet pillows are filled with millet HULLS, not millet. If you put millet inside a pillow, you’d certainly get a pillow full of bugs!

Millet hulls are not edible and much lighter and easier to conform than millet. People LOVE their millet hull pillows because they are totally natural and organic. Here at Brett’s Natural Health we strive to make the best millet pillows on earth! Buy one and you’ll love it!

Can you eat the husks?

No, you cannot eat the hulls! Millet hulls are not edible vs millet the grain. They are simply fiber like wood. Your stomach would freak out if you actually ate them. Fortunately, you can use the husks for pillow stuffing and other support type products. Millet pillows from Brett’s Natural Health are superior in many ways. You can watch a video review of my pillows where Mike talks about how excellent they are.

Millet hulls should be organic.

When you buy the husks, be sure to get only 100% organic. Millet hulls sprayed with pesticides are not healthy and can make you sick every time you sleep on them. Remember, you are breathing right next to the pillow for 8 hours a night! The healthiest pillow is the cleanest one! Avoid memory foam! It’s full of toxic chemicals. Think healthy! Live natural!

millet vs millet hulls
Millet hulls are the outer part of the grain that has to be removed in order for people to eat it. Millet hulls are little half round shells that are basically just fiber. They’re not a food and have no nutritional value.
millet vs millet hulls
Millet is a non glutinous grain that many people nowadays are eating. Millet has no gluten and is suitable for people with wheat sensitivities. Millet is the only alkalizing grain and can help to de-acidify the body.

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Coronavirus Beneficial Outcomes!

The beneficial outcomes of the Coronavirus.

The Coronavirus is not all bad!

Greetings everyone. Change is not a bad thing.  Change is just change.  Sure, change I.E. the Coronavirus, can be scary and difficult but when you realize the importance and purpose of the change, then you can be alright with it. 

Our world has become SO out of balance.  People have used and abused our planet and stepped on the poor and low income folks for too long.  Today we are seeing so many ways that mother nature and creation are setting things straight!  We have seen flooding, fires, tornados, hurricanes and more.  Now a virus is spreading around the world.  All of these so called catastrophes are divine manifestation in action.  They force people come back to reality and realize WHAT REALLY MATTERS in life.  They bring us back to the center and help us to heal.  

Beneficial outcomes of the Coronavirus:

Work from home! Yes!

There are SO MANY people that can simply transfer their work to their home office but for whatever reason, they have not done that yet.  Now they can!  Not driving to work everyday is a huge health benefit for everyone and a major environmental benefit too!  My God, what will people do with all that extra time on their hands?  I’ll tell you what!  They could spend it with their kids (who also have to stay home), their pets (who are more than happy to have everyone home), or just healing themselves!  Thank God we can all stay home!  They could do some self-massage and yoga!  They could simply sleep or meditate.  How about read a good book?  Imagine how much less pollution there will be if millions of people STAYED HOME from work!  Just imagine how much energy would be saved if giant buildings (previously used for business) were no longer being used at all!  

Takes the power from ExxonMobil!

The Coronavirus takes power straight OUT of the hands of the petroleum industry!  When people are not driving to work, to school, or to events as much, it takes power right out of the hands of the energy industry!  It also takes power away from regimes in Saudi Arabia, Syria and Iran that are SO dependent on oil production.  Perfect!  

Start a home business!

Some people will be prompted to start a home business!  Wonderful!  You can do it my friends!  I have been self-employed and working from home my whole life.  I love it and I want you to work for yourself too!  It is SO rewarding and you can do it part time to start!  Anyone that has ever thought of doing something to make extra money at home now has the perfect opportunity to do so!  I’m rooting for you!  

Get out in the garden!  

If you’re home you might as well get planting some food out in the garden.  Maybe flowers.  Maybe do some art.  Maybe play an instrument!  These special activities are SO IMPORTANT for our health but we almost forgot about them!  After the smoke clears and things settle down, I hope that people can revive these beautiful activities.  

Cut College Costs!

Going to school costs WAY TOO MUCH!  If people are taking classes at home, certainly they can CUT THE COSTS of an education by at least 50%!  Get rid of all the red tape!  Isn’t it amazing how a virus can CHANGE the way we do business!

Cut military spending!

Our country, the U.S, is now going to spend about 10 billion dollars to “fight the Coronavirus”.  Each year we spend over 700 billion to police the world!  Might this change now?  How else could the business of war come to a screeching halt?  That’s right, war IS a BIG business now days but people are going to have to make a choice on what to spend their money on.  Instead of planes and tanks, how about we all get a healthy pillow to sleep on!  

The Coronavirus Cleans up the air!

The Coronavirus is a respiratory based illness therefore, what better “trouble” would expose the importance of having CLEAN AIR for people to breath?  Who do you think would be able to survive this illness; someone that has been breathing clean air their whole life or someone that has been gasping from polluted air in the city?    

Come together!  

Our world has become polarized and obsessed with fighting each other.  Now they can come together and fight the Coronavirus!  It’s AMAZING how fast congress came together to pass legislation to fund the “fight” against the virus.  You never know!  The virus might set Russia and South Korea straight too.  It’s already forcing China to THINK about their communist government’s dishonesty.  

Fighting for YOUR team to “win”!

Now that nobody’s going to huge stadiums to scream for their team to win (and cry if they don’t) we can think about what really matters!  Sure, competition is fine but only up to a degree!  Maybe at home we can talk honestly about the better side of sports and find a new mindset that serves us all better.  Maybe we can find something better to do than drink beer and eat junk food.  

Thank you!

There are just SO MANY imbalances that are being righted by this and other “tragedies” but I will end my rant now.  Thank you for supporting my Youtube channel.  Thanks for buying my products.  Thanks for not worrying and for TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF my friends. 
Namaste, Brett & Chakra.

Watch my Youtube videos!

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Doing My Holistic Thing! Stay focused!

Doing my Holistic Thing!

I’m definitely doing my holistic thing y’all! 

I wanted you to know that I am intently focused on doing MY holistic thing here regardless of the “news” and happenings around the world.  I hope that each of you are also doing the same.  Taking care of yourself, mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually is required for good health.  Remember, there are always pros and cons to every situation!  Find the pros and USE them to your advantage!  Knowledge is key.  Have FAITH and know that creation is always fully in control!  One of the things I’m doing is making fantastic millet hull pillows!  Get one and you’ll never to back to anything else!  I’m doing my holistic thing! 

Suggestion for today:
Go for a walk.  Get outside!  It’s springtime and the weather is getting warmer.  Take the time to connect with nature.  God is nature.  Soak it up and embrace the beauty of it all.  The buds, the tulips and even the bugs – they all are to be loved and enjoyed!  Feel the sunshine on your skin.  Monday is the full moon.  The moon can bring up emotions and feelings.  Let them flow!  It’s all good.  Remember to really BREATH and also stretch your body.  Feel gratitude for the things that you have been given.  Connect with your creator in whatever form you feel it to be.  Here are some of the benefits of walking!  Walking is one of the ways I’m doing my holistic thing.  🙂 

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Health Tips to be More Intuitive!

Health Tips to become more intuitive.

Becoming more intuitive.

Lately I’ve gotten a deeper understanding for just how important it is to become more intuitive. Learning to listen to the things going on around us will help us to make decisions and naturally flow in life. Here are some health tips for you to slow down, get better timing and become more intuitive.

Watch the weather!

Pay attention to the weather. The weather is telling you how to be. It’s telling you what kind of activity to do – inside or out. Maybe go out and exercise or maybe just stay in and relax. Is there a storm coming? Better prepare for it. When the weather is bad it’s usually good to do indoor activities and maybe not drive at all – just stay home. If it’s nice outside then MAKE the TIME to get out in the middle of the day to enjoy the sunshine, breath and relax the mind. Go with the flow. This health tip can really help you get through your life.

Pay attention to the news – excellent health tip!

What’s going on in the news? Is there something happening in your state or country that might be affecting people’s state of minds? As an extreme example, I remember the days after 9-11-2001. People were like walking zombies! When people are down they are projecting a negative energy that can affect you! Put up the force fields! Be with God instead of people! Spend quiet time alone! KNOW when it’s good to be social and when it’s not! Know the signs. Nothing is a coincidence and therefore you must pay attention to what’s happening around you.

Watch out for the signs!

Be AWARE throughout your day of SIGNS that might stick up. Did someone say something odd? Did you have a dream about something striking? Perhaps a song played that made you THINK about the possibility of creating or doing something new? Having the ability to recognise the signs and then actually GO WITH THEM is a hugely important health tip. Sometimes these signs can be a red flag that screams WATCH OUT or BEWARE so pay attention! Some people wouldn’t know a good (or bad) sign if it hit them straight in the head! Don’t be one of those people! Unrelated: Learn about how good my millet hull pillows are! You’d love one!

Learn Basic Astrology!

Learn some basic astrology. Yes, this is a valuable health tip. The planets and stars play a significant part in creating different scenarios in our lives. At least pay attention to the moon. The moon is all about feelings so listen to your gut when the moon is full. When the moon is full crazy things happen. Also pay attention to the retrogrades. Our recent Mercury retrograde was very intense… at least for me. I felt STUCK in a sense for weeks. What I needed to do was to ease up and wait for the communication glitch to cease! There’s simply no sense in going against nature and when it wants to do something, it WILL do it! has many free features including a look at your birth chart. I use it all the time.

What time of year is it – seasonal health tips.

Know the seasons, holidays, traditions and regular trends that happen at certain times of the year. As an example, right now we are nearing Easter… eggs! Last night Chakra and I ate some yummy organic eggs fried in mushrooms and onions. The sulphur in eggs is great for liver detoxing – especially in the spring when it’s needed most. Also, eggs are considered a very powerful food in Chinese literature that creates ENERGY and stamina. Many ancient traditions have important meanings that we can implement into our lives. Remember though that some traditions are not so smart and don’t pertain to our lives anymore unless we stubbornly refuse to give them up. I made the color of this email green because it’s spring time. 🙂 Flowing with the seasons is certainly a valuable health tip.

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Foot Pain Natural Remedies – 8 Vital Steps!

Foot pain natural remedies. Learn how to massage under the toes!

If you have foot pain, the best remedies are natural and healthy!  Stretch and massage your own legs and feet!

Video:  Do self massage on your legs! The tension in your feet is affected by tension in your legs! Watch this video too!  These are excellent foot pain videos that teach you natural remedies.

Stretch your legs. After you’ve FIRST massaged your own legs, then you should stretch them to release more tension.

Massage your feet using tools! Your feet need deep massage! The foot massage tools I sell are the most effective for Plantar Fasciitis, Morton’s Neuroma, and heel spurs, therefore, you should consider buying some!

Massage your feet using your hands! To get the smaller spots, you have to use your hands to massage the toes, webs, tops and ankles in your feet that need specific attention.  Why not take a foot massage class with me?  You would learn a lot of foot pain natural remedies!

Wear custom orthotics! When you walk, you can stretch your arch IF you have good arch support! My custom leather orthotics are totally adjustable and very comfortable.

Avoid sitting on FOAM! (Foam chairs, foam couches and foam in car seats.) Foam is constantly PUSHING against your muscles and creating TENSION! Sit on a wooden chair or on the floor and get the weight of your body onto your SIT BONES and LESS onto your muscles. Try natural support instead.  Yes, sitting a more natural way is one of the foot pain natural remedies!  Try my fantastic back supports for office chairs and car seats!

Get ACTIVE! Go walking, jogging or cycling regularly. Create movement in your body.  When you exercise, it increases blood and lymphatic flow.  These activities are so healthy for keeping a strong body!

Do all this work OFTEN. Taking care of your body is a REGULAR gig… not a once in a while thing you do because you’ve gotten yourself into trouble!!!  

Back to orthotics  Back to foot massage tools

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My Diet Journey Since 1992.

My health journey since 1990.

Almost 30 years ago I started a diet journey that continues to this day.  Here are some of the dietary changes I made:

I got rid of processed foods!

1992:  I quit eating white sugar and all processed foods. All foods should be in a whole form only. For six months I had cookie and candie dreams! OMG! I sweated all night and would wake up in wet sheets every morning. Over time I eventually got used to not eating processed foods.  Back then I sure would have liked having a good millet hull pillow to sleep on!  In the beginning I had no idea that my diet journey would last until now!

I stopped eating wheat and dairy.

It took me a total of eight years to completely stop. I’d go back. I’d quit. I’d pay the price with horrible indigestion and then have to quit again. I even bought my own goat thinking that goat milk would be better! Omg! It’s not natural or healthy to consume another animal’s milk no matter what animal it is! I eventually had to completely quit those foods. It’s now been 18 years since I quit eating wheat and dairy. I’ll never go back.  It’s been a long diet journey for me.

I eat almost 100% organic.

I have eaten almost exclusively organic foods since the 90’s. I do this to avoid pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic foods often have a lot higher nutrient content too. Yes, I have spent thousands of dollars more for healthier foods. To be able to afford healthy food, I’ve not spent ANY money (not even 1¢ in 54 years) on “health insurance” and I’d never do man made drugs anyway.

Only non-glutinous grains!

I started eating non-glutinous grains like millet, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and rice. I’ve eaten a LOT of rice including rice bread. Rice is somewhat sticky and is a very good wheat substitute. Brown rice is a fantastic transition food and has a calming quality. Also, the bran helps scrape wheat gluten out of your digestive system. I now believe that some grains are meant more for animals and others for humans. I avoid wheat, barley, oats and rye.
For the entire 30 years, I’ve eaten a LOT of fruit – fresh and dried fruit. When you’re getting off of something sweet, as a substitute, you need a natural food that’s also sweet. Organic fruit is so yummy. Growing fruit trees also helps combat global warming.

I ate vegan for a while.  (Four years of my diet journey)

For a while I ate a vegan diet but had to go back to eating meat. Now I’m eating vegan for most meals again. I’m not dogmatic about this anymore but staying off of all meat was very healthy for me for quite a while. You see, I was SO overly acidic and I was acid sensitive. (When you’re acid sensitive you’ll likely have to avoid acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus and meat.) Specifically, I had a body full of excess ACID. This acid came from many different mental and physical things. I have now deacidified myself greatly. Smog and chemicals make you more acidic too! Thank God I moved to the country.  Getting out of the city was another diet journey element because changing my air quality helped me to be able to eat healthier foods!

I’ve done a lot of enemas.

In order to make all these diet changes I’ve had to wash out my large intestine regularly – enemas. Most people cringe but if you don’t do enemas, your liver and kidneys will be so overwhelmed by toxins and you’ll feel so sick! Please believe me on this.  Also, don’t forget skin brushing!  Exfoliating the skin is SO important for you to get rid of toxins and help your lymphatic system to function better.  I’ve been using the Bernard Jensen skin brush for 25 years.  It’s the best!

Animals foods I eat.

Animal foods I still eat: I don’t eat ANY mass produced meat now – especially chicken and turkey. These animals (including organic chicken and turkey) are so horribly over-bred (to grow at twice the speed and to be huge!) The Cornish Cross breed chicken is a complete frankenstein that can’t hardly forage on it’s own. (It seems that all people care about is money!) I eat wild Alaskan salmon, organic eggs and occasionally my home grown chicken. The difference between a home grown chicken and the Coleman organic chicken I used to eat is like night and day. My chickens have bright yellow skin and virtually no fat! Once in a while I’ll eat totally range free beef. The rule: Eat only healthy, wild animals. Yes, canned wild pink salmon is fine. Fresh is obviously better. 

Alternative protein sources.

I mostly eat beans as my protein food and now I can eat tofu and tempe. In beginning I could not eat soy. Soy is very mucus forming and because I was mucus sensitive, I was soy sensitive. Now I have no problem with eating soy foods. Why? Because I cleansed out all that dairy mucus! It was real hell too! Currently I’m still eating a lot of peanuts. Yes, peanuts are a bean, not a nut. Peanuts really help you to detox and transition away from eating meat. No, I’m not worried about “aflatoxins”. lol. These scientific discoveries are interesting but I mostly listen to MY OWN NEEDS, not scientific B.S. When I’m ready to reduce the peanuts, my body will tell me so.

Nuts and seeds.

Anyone making diet changes will probably crave nuts and seeds. These are concentrated foods full of minerals and fats that you need to be healthy. Remember, it’s ok to eat all the foods that are natural and God given.  One of the best places to get nuts and seeds is   Finding good sources of healthy, organic food important for your diet journey!

One of the worst habits!

I eat only when I’m hungry. Sometimes I feel like eating – mentally but not physically. Don’t do it!!! Listen to your body. Listen to your stomach!

The ultimate elixir.  

I drink plenty of water. This is very important. I also make soup regularly. I consume a lot of foods full of water.  Yes, drinking plenty of clean, healthy water is an important part of your diet journey! 

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Millet Pillows Reviews – Legitimate Testimonials.

Read millet pillows review from real customers.

Below are legitimate, honest, millet pillows reviews for you to read.  These testimonials include statements of amazing pain relief from simply sleeping on my incredible millet hull pillows:

Millet pillows reviews:

POB.  “Never found a pillow I liked at all until this one. I’ve had a fairly painful neck condition for many years and this is the only pillow that has ever given me a pain-free night’s sleep.”

Lorie  “Wow! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this millet hull pillow! I’ve had neck pain for many, many years and always changed out my pillow every 1- 2 months. This is the first pillow that has allowed me a sound nights sleep and no neck pain in the morning.”

Stephanie  “I am sooo happy I found your site, The pillows were amazing throughout my pregnancy. And still 10 months after. My little boy is sooo comfy on the knee bolster, he has used it since he was born. Thank you for working with us and providing such an amazing quality pillow.  Finally!”       

2-11-2020  There are now 83 millet pillows reviews!  Read on!  

Kimberly  “Wow I just love my pillow, fell in love with it right away, no break in period, just pure sleep! I have always had a sleeping problem and have severe Psoriatic arthritis and find sleeping with my neck problems very difficult. Not with this pillow. I just nestled in and fell asleep. Thank you for making such a wonderful product that I know will last a long time and give me the rest I need. I would love a whole bed made out of this!!  Thank you, Thank you!”   

Matthew Ellis  “I was originally very hesitant to buy this online due to the price and that it was such a different material then i was used to. But i can happily say. This is HANDS down best pillow i have ever had. 2 years and its quality is still showing. I used to suffer for head aches and neck problems almost every morning but after a few days with this magical wonder. It has drop those issues by almost 100%.”    

In addition to millet pillows reviews, learn about the benefits of using a millet pillow.

Pamela Veitch  “Having suffered years of headaches and sore neck on waking each morning I got this amazing pillow from Brett .So glad I took the plunge and purchased it. It is sheer bliss to lay your head on and I look forward to a good nights sleep and feeling refreshed next day .i can’t thank you enough for your dedication in creating such a wonderful product .”

To read more millet pillows reviews click here!  See ALL 100 reviews!

Watch my videos on Youtube here!

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Millet Pillow Benefits

See all the millet pillow benefits.

There are many benefits to using a millet pillow.  Millet hull pillows are natural.  Natural things function better and are healthier than synthetic ones.  Many people are beginning to understand that God given things keep you healthier and make you stronger.

Millet pillows are a perfect example of this philosophy.  Just like natural foods are best for our bodies, a natural pillow is also better for us.

The first obvious benefit of millet pillows is that they support evenly.  Having the weight of your head supported evenly over the entire surface area helps you to be more comfortable.  Foam pillows do not support evenly.  They have harder and softer spots that cannot be adjusted.  Foam pillows are a compression pillow.  Compression pillows are easy to use because you don’t have to adjust them but, they’re not near as comfortable or healthy as millet hull pillows.  Millet pillows helps to prevent tension and pain because they support evenly.

Another benefit for using millet pillows is that they’re very comfortable.  Because you have the ability to maneuver the pillow however you choose, you can get it to be SO comfortable!  You can have more support under your head or under your neck.  The versatility of millet hull pillows is amazing!  Millet hull bodypillows are also super comfortable!

Another benefit of millet pillows is that they keep your head aligned with your spine!  This feature will prevent you from getting a sore neck in the morning!  Anyone that has experienced neck pain from sleeping on their sides will tell you that it might be caused by a bad pillow!  

Because a millet pillow is natural and non-toxic, that is certainly a benefit.   Most millet pillows have organic millet hulls.  Some millet pillows are alsomade with organic fabric.  It’s always better to avoid chemicals and pesticides.  Some people don’t really care about this benefit but if you think about how long you spend sleeping and where your face is all night, then you know you’d better buy a healthy pillow!  

Millet pillows really last a long time and this is a fantastic benefit!  Sure, millet pillows are somewhat expensive but they really last!  Some people have told me that their millet pillow lasted for ten years!  Now that’s a real value especially when you consider all the other benefits for using a millet hull pillow.  

Be sure to watch all my informative videos on Youtube!

Back to millet pillows. 


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Best Side Sleeper Pillow for Neck Pain!

Millet pillows are the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!

What is the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain? A good pillow needs to be able to hold your head up and keep the spine aligned in order to prevent neck pain and strain. So many side sleepers have told me that they got rid of their neck pain simply by using a millet hull pillow. Why?

Because a millet pillow holds your head up better. Keeping the spine straight keeps the muscles in a neutral, relaxed position. This prevents muscular strain! In my opinion, the best pillow for neck pain is a millet pillow.

Get the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!
Get the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!

Additionally, a wider millet pillow allows the user to bunch the pillow up around their head, neck and shoulders better! Only my company, Brett’s Natural Health makes millet pillows that are wider, not longer. Sure, I’m bucking the system by making non-standard sizes and some people won’t like it that their cases might not fit on my larger pillows. It’s ok. My millet hull pillows prevent neck pain much better than standard size pillows. My millet pillow reviews speak for themselves!

Breathing chemicals all night can make you tense up your muscles. Organic millet pillows are non-toxic and do not outgas chemicals or pesticides like petroleum based pillows or non-organic pillows. You sleep for eight hours or more per night! Why not sleep on a natural and healthy pillow vs a toxic one? An organic pillow will help to prevent neck pain. We make our own decisions and some people think logically whilst others go for the the glam or the cheapo!

Firm support is better when it comes to side sleeping. Millet hulls are the natural alternative to foam or memory foam. Millet pillows support the neck and shoulders evenly. A pillow with even support is superior for preventing neck pain. Try my all natural millet hull pillows! You’ll love them!