Before seeing a podiatrist in Burnsville NC, Spruce Pine, Marshal or Mars Hill, consider a natural alternative just down the road in Celo.
People with foot pain need to learn the truth about their problem. When your leg and foot muscles get sore and tight, you get pain in your feet! The real SOLUTION to this problem is self-massage and stretching. I know this may sound simple but that’s how natural healing works. It IS simple but… you have to educate yourself, practice and get good and do the work often. A podiatrist in Burnsville, NC is not going to teach you how to rub your feet!
When you release the tension in muscles of your legs, it gives relief to the muscles and connective tissue in your feet. Then you have less inflammation and pain. Simple as that. A Burnsville, NC podiatrist will not teach you reflexology. Massaging the feet is called reflexology. Reflexology is a massage modality that can change your life! When you stimulate the feet, not only does it help with foot pain but it helps your whole body to heal. Why? The feet reflex to every organ, system and part of your body! Just massaging the webs in between the toes can calm the mind when you have anxiety.
Why won’t a Burnsville, NC foot doctor tell you about reflexology? Because there’s no money in it and it’s not covered by insurance. Foot massage is a simple and free activity that you do at home. There is a degree of practice to get good at it and to understand exactly HOW you need to massage the feet. No pain, no gain. To take a foot massage class, you can contact me at (828) 675-1539. Please also see my orthotics and foot massage tools. They are crucial to doing the work described above.
Local and nearby towns:
Although I’m not a podiatrist, I do sell custom orthotics and foot massage tools in Celo NC near Burnsville NC, Spruce Pine NC, Marshal NC, and Mars Hill NC. Thanks for reading!