Vegetables I eat: Collards, kale, broccoli, brussel sprouts, beets, parsnips, turnips, rutabaga, onions, squashes, mushrooms, cabbage, parsley, cilantro, sweet potato, potato, and so many more! I like to bake, steam, fry or boil them. Sometimes I do two cooking methods.
Note #1: I almost always wash my vegetables and fruits in baking soda water by soaking them for up to 10 minutes and then rinsing. You can also use white vinegar.
Foot health tip! Do a hot gravel foot bath regularly! Watch my videos! Also, get ya some foot massage tools and massage your footsies every day!
Fruits I eat: I love apples, pears, bananas, peaches, apricots, dates, figs, raisins and grapes, plums and prunes, all berries, pomegranate, and other temperate climate fruits. I can eat some tropical fruits moderately like pineapple, and I can also eat citrus in moderation IE oranges, grapefruit, lemon and lime. Sometimes I react to melons but I love watermelon in summer (with seeds!). I eat dried fruits all year but more fresh in summer and dried in winter. I LUV mulberries!
Note #2: I eat 98% organic foods and I often buy local.
Grains: I eat all the non-glutenous grains like millet, rice, quinoa, amaranth, wild rice, oats and buckwheat. I don’t eat wheat, barley, or rye because they have sticky gluten that clogs my digestive system. (I believe those grains are better suited for the animals) I’ve not eaten glutenous grains since 2002.
Note #3: I first started getting off of wheat and also diary in about 1992. It took me a full 8 years to completely quit these “foods”. Every time I’d go back to them, I’d get the same digestive grief so eventually I just quit!
Nuts and seeds: I eat peanuts, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, baked squash seeds, almonds, Brazil nuts, pecans, and others. Today I got a Cuisinart seed, nut and spice grinder. I love it already. I have bad teeth so I’m sure it’s really going to help me.
Beans: I love all kinds of beans including soy. I used to be allergic to soy but now that I’ve cleaned out my body, I have no trouble with it.
Animals foods: I eat eggs, fish like salmon and oysters. If I really need some beef I will eat it but it’s really heavy on my gut. Also, I’m hoping to eventually get to be 100% plant based. I do not eat ANY mass produced, overly hybridized meats like chicken, pork or turkey. If an animal is not normal due to being hybrid too much and fed way too much grain, then it’s not healthy! Avoid!
Dairy: Consuming another’s animal’s mammary fluids is not natural except for the baby of that animal. The fat and casein in milk will CLOG your body and bring illness and disease. End of story.
Thanks for reading! Thanks for supporting my work by buying products at Brett’s Natural Health!