If you have foot pain, the best remedies are natural and healthy! Stretch and massage your own legs and feet!
Video: Do self massage on your legs! The tension in your feet is affected by tension in your legs! Watch this video too! These are excellent foot pain videos that teach you natural remedies.
Stretch your legs. After you’ve FIRST massaged your own legs, then you should stretch them to release more tension.
Massage your feet using tools! Your feet need deep massage! The foot massage tools I sell are the most effective for Plantar Fasciitis, Morton’s Neuroma, and heel spurs, therefore, you should consider buying some!
Massage your feet using your hands! To get the smaller spots, you have to use your hands to massage the toes, webs, tops and ankles in your feet that need specific attention. Why not take a foot massage class with me? You would learn a lot of foot pain natural remedies!
Wear custom orthotics! When you walk, you can stretch your arch IF you have good arch support! My custom leather orthotics are totally adjustable and very comfortable.
Avoid sitting on FOAM! (Foam chairs, foam couches and foam in car seats.) Foam is constantly PUSHING against your muscles and creating TENSION! Sit on a wooden chair or on the floor and get the weight of your body onto your SIT BONES and LESS onto your muscles. Try natural support instead. Yes, sitting a more natural way is one of the foot pain natural remedies! Try my fantastic back supports for office chairs and car seats!
Get ACTIVE! Go walking, jogging or cycling regularly. Create movement in your body. When you exercise, it increases blood and lymphatic flow. These activities are so healthy for keeping a strong body!
Do all this work OFTEN. Taking care of your body is a REGULAR gig… not a once in a while thing you do because you’ve gotten yourself into trouble!!!