about me

Learn about me – in a nutshell.

I’ve decided to re-write this page. Coming soon!

10 thoughts on “Learn about me – in a nutshell.

  1. I just received my Millet pillow and since I have been sleeping on these for 20 years it did not take me long to see the top quality of this product!! The case is strong yet soft and a cover pillow case is included. You can find cheaper ones but the old saying “you get what you pay for” holds true. I have not found a better made pillow. He also includes instructions encase this is your first purchase and information about the Millet hull pillows. I know I will sleep deep tonight. Thank you Brett, I’m glad I found you!

    1. Thank you Katherine! I’m so glad you like the pillow! Sleep deep! Could you please put this review on the millet hull pillows page where you purchased it? Could you also tell people about my pillows? I’m just a one person business and I can’t afford advertising and it would help tremendously!

  2. Dear Brett, after countless purchases of pillows…You have given me back sleepy/dreamy nights of wonderful sleep. I can never thank you enough. Now if I only had back all the dollars I’ve wasted over the years on other pillows! So thrilled to have found your site. I have had my pillow for 2 nights, but the difference is amazing. No more neck pain, no more pain between shoulder blades, not waking up stuffy, headaches in the morning, sinus draining and the list goes on, most were purchased from the big box online store, and none of the previous pillows were cheap. I will always be your loudest cheerleader! Thank you, truly, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! Also, thanks for taking the steps for greener packaging. From the lady with no more sleepless nights.

    1. This is very nice of you Olivia. I’m glad you are doing better! Now if only more people knew about my pillows! If you can help me out by sending an email or something of that nature, it would be great!
      Thanks much,

  3. I ordered two Millet Pillows a year ago. I must have forgotten to leave a review. My son and I are still using these pillows.
    I love that you can maneuver the pillows to rest right under your neck to avoid shoulder or neck pain the next morning.
    They are different from ordinary pillows because as I said, you can work them like flour dough by shaping and making them work for your individual needs. I really appreciate them.

    1. Thank you Amber! Please tell friends and family about my pillows as this is the only way I can advertise. Sleep well!

  4. Hey Brett, just love my pillows. The Green Animal/Plant fabric is adorable and elegant. As I suspected my Fur Face kids took them over and you know Cats are very picky. I will need to order 2 more if you get the same fabric in let me know. These pillows are not just for people treat your four paw friends!

    Cheers and keep up the good work, Deborah

    1. Hi Deborah,
      Thanks for this very nice comment! You are so nice to take the time. I did receive several big orders of fabric and am pretty well stocked including the Tarragon Green Animal. It’s the most popular right now. Buy pillows here. If you get a chance, please leave a Google review here:
      Thank you!!!

  5. Brett,

    8 years ago I consulted with you by phone. You gave me some life coaching, and I made some decisions based on the advise you offered. I wanted to respond to express my gratitude, I followed your advise and it was just what I needed to put me on the right track.
    I explained my situation as basically a loaner who didn’t place much value on friends and relationships. You convinced me to cherish friendships with those who had true intentions and mutually beneficial goals, while dissociating myself from those who held materialistic and selfish agendas.
    Since then I categorize the majority of friendships in the undesirable category, only valuing two. I also took your advise to seek a life partner, and after 4 failed attempts I found her. Marriage and parenthood had a profound effect on my life choices, and gave me direction toward a happy life.
    Thank you for the guidance.

    1. This comment is GOLDEN Carlos and you are awesome for making the changes you needed to make! I am totally proud of you brother. Keep up the good work. If you need anything else I would be happy to help you!

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