Self massage classes online are awesome because you don’t have to go anywhere!
Take a live, online, self-massage class with me! You will learn so much and so quickly that you will be amazed! Why not heal yourself AND become a great healer at the same time? You can do it! Also, watch my videos and learn how to do self-massage! If you want to learn from me LIVE, please sign up for my self massage classes online! I can show you how to dig out the tension in your neck, back, shoulders, legs or feet! Friend me on Skype or Facebook and then we can talk LIVE! Before you sign up you may want to buy some massage tools!
Self-massage can really help people with arthritis pain and leg pains!
In this class you’ll learn how to massage the arthritic “trouble spots” and get them feeling better FAST! When someone experienced shows you the ropes, you’ll catch on quickly. It’s never too late to get started!
If you have rotator cuff pain, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, tennis elbow or other arm pains then this is a PERFECT class for you to take!
Learn exactly how to DIG out the tension in your arms, hands and shoulders so that you can get feeling better soon! It is VERY possible that you can AVOID surgery if you do these self-massage exercises daily. People that take care of their bodies reap the benefits.
Self Massage Classes Online for Back Pain!
Just imagine how much money is spent to doctors and other so called specialists for back and sciatic pain! Why not come and learn how you can get relief from these troubles by doing simple massage and stretching exercises? In this class you will learn how to use a leather softball to loosen your gluteal muscles. You’ll learn how to massage your own back with a theracane. You’ll learn how to release your leg muscles that are causing the back pain by rolling on them with a wood roller. Most people will get MAJOR relief in minutes and KNOW that my teachings are the REAL DEAL! Hurts so good and gives so much relief afterward!
Self Massage Classes Online for Foot Pain!
I find it AMAZING that podiatrists won’t teach people how to heal their own feet! Why? Maybe they just don’t know how themselves! Maybe they want you to keep coming back! Whatever! Why not learn how to massage your own feet so that you can feel better? Do you have Plantar Fasciitis? Do you have heel spurs? Are you feet constantly sore and have cramps? Doing self massage classes online can help you with these pains in a matter of MINUTES. I’m not joking. In just MINUTES you’ll be feeling better! Sign up today!
Liability Release – Please copy and paste this agreement into an email sent to me. My email:
Before we talk, you must understand/agree that I am not a medical doctor and that I’m not here to diagnose you, prescribe or give advice. You agree that our conversation is an exchange of ideas (that you can take or leave) on how you can improve your well-being by natural means but that I’m not “recommending” anything – in any way, shape or form. You know that I’m simply here to share my experiences of holistic healing based on my 33+ years of personal learning. You acknowledge that you’ll see a qualified health practitioner if and when needed. Signature ______________.
Holly –
This was an amazing class. Brett has a wealth of experience and knowledge. He is very thorough and addresses your specific concerns with care. He demonstrates and explains each technique and explains why it is beneficial. The main focus of my session with Brett was not my knee. However, I noticed that my knee pain was significantly better, after my session with him, Thank you.
What you will notice right away about Brett is that he is passionate about what he does! I appreciate that about him.
I was so relaxed after our session that I almost fell asleep.
I’m so grateful to have discovered Brett on YouTube. Thank you Brett!
Slowly Getting Healthier –
Thank you Holly for joining me today. You were an awesome student and I’m sure you are going to follow up on what you learned today. If you need to talk more or want to increase your abilities, I am here for you!