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Best Side Sleeper Pillow for Neck Pain!

Millet pillows are the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!

What is the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain? A good pillow needs to be able to hold your head up and keep the spine aligned in order to prevent neck pain and strain. So many side sleepers have told me that they got rid of their neck pain simply by using a millet hull pillow. Why?

Because a millet pillow holds your head up better. Keeping the spine straight keeps the muscles in a neutral, relaxed position. This prevents muscular strain! In my opinion, the best pillow for neck pain is a millet pillow.

Get the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!
Get the best side sleeper pillow for neck pain!

Additionally, a wider millet pillow allows the user to bunch the pillow up around their head, neck and shoulders better! Only my company, Brett’s Natural Health makes millet pillows that are wider, not longer. Sure, I’m bucking the system by making non-standard sizes and some people won’t like it that their cases might not fit on my larger pillows. It’s ok. My millet hull pillows prevent neck pain much better than standard size pillows. My millet pillow reviews speak for themselves!

Breathing chemicals all night can make you tense up your muscles. Organic millet pillows are non-toxic and do not outgas chemicals or pesticides like petroleum based pillows or non-organic pillows. You sleep for eight hours or more per night! Why not sleep on a natural and healthy pillow vs a toxic one? An organic pillow will help to prevent neck pain. We make our own decisions and some people think logically whilst others go for the the glam or the cheapo!

Firm support is better when it comes to side sleeping. Millet hulls are the natural alternative to foam or memory foam. Millet pillows support the neck and shoulders evenly. A pillow with even support is superior for preventing neck pain. Try my all natural millet hull pillows! You’ll love them!