Almost 30 years ago I started a diet journey that continues to this day. Here are some of the dietary changes I made:
I got rid of processed foods!
1992: I quit eating white sugar and all processed foods. All foods should be in a whole form only. For six months I had cookie and candie dreams! OMG! I sweated all night and would wake up in wet sheets every morning. Over time I eventually got used to not eating processed foods. Back then I sure would have liked having a good millet hull pillow to sleep on! In the beginning I had no idea that my diet journey would last until now!
I stopped eating wheat and dairy.
It took me a total of eight years to completely stop. I’d go back. I’d quit. I’d pay the price with horrible indigestion and then have to quit again. I even bought my own goat thinking that goat milk would be better! Omg! It’s not natural or healthy to consume another animal’s milk no matter what animal it is! I eventually had to completely quit those foods. It’s now been 18 years since I quit eating wheat and dairy. I’ll never go back. It’s been a long diet journey for me.
I eat almost 100% organic.
I have eaten almost exclusively organic foods since the 90’s. I do this to avoid pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Organic foods often have a lot higher nutrient content too. Yes, I have spent thousands of dollars more for healthier foods. To be able to afford healthy food, I’ve not spent ANY money (not even 1¢ in 54 years) on “health insurance” and I’d never do man made drugs anyway.
Only non-glutinous grains!
I started eating non-glutinous grains like millet, quinoa, buckwheat, amaranth and rice. I’ve eaten a LOT of rice including rice bread. Rice is somewhat sticky and is a very good wheat substitute. Brown rice is a fantastic transition food and has a calming quality. Also, the bran helps scrape wheat gluten out of your digestive system. I now believe that some grains are meant more for animals and others for humans. I avoid wheat, barley, oats and rye.
For the entire 30 years, I’ve eaten a LOT of fruit – fresh and dried fruit. When you’re getting off of something sweet, as a substitute, you need a natural food that’s also sweet. Organic fruit is so yummy. Growing fruit trees also helps combat global warming.
I ate vegan for a while. (Four years of my diet journey)
For a while I ate a vegan diet but had to go back to eating meat. Now I’m eating vegan for most meals again. I’m not dogmatic about this anymore but staying off of all meat was very healthy for me for quite a while. You see, I was SO overly acidic and I was acid sensitive. (When you’re acid sensitive you’ll likely have to avoid acidic foods like tomatoes, citrus and meat.) Specifically, I had a body full of excess ACID. This acid came from many different mental and physical things. I have now deacidified myself greatly. Smog and chemicals make you more acidic too! Thank God I moved to the country. Getting out of the city was another diet journey element because changing my air quality helped me to be able to eat healthier foods!
I’ve done a lot of enemas.
In order to make all these diet changes I’ve had to wash out my large intestine regularly – enemas. Most people cringe but if you don’t do enemas, your liver and kidneys will be so overwhelmed by toxins and you’ll feel so sick! Please believe me on this. Also, don’t forget skin brushing! Exfoliating the skin is SO important for you to get rid of toxins and help your lymphatic system to function better. I’ve been using the Bernard Jensen skin brush for 25 years. It’s the best!
Animals foods I eat.
Animal foods I still eat: I don’t eat ANY mass produced meat now – especially chicken and turkey. These animals (including organic chicken and turkey) are so horribly over-bred (to grow at twice the speed and to be huge!) The Cornish Cross breed chicken is a complete frankenstein that can’t hardly forage on it’s own. (It seems that all people care about is money!) I eat wild Alaskan salmon, organic eggs and occasionally my home grown chicken. The difference between a home grown chicken and the Coleman organic chicken I used to eat is like night and day. My chickens have bright yellow skin and virtually no fat! Once in a while I’ll eat totally range free beef. The rule: Eat only healthy, wild animals. Yes, canned wild pink salmon is fine. Fresh is obviously better.
Alternative protein sources.
I mostly eat beans as my protein food and now I can eat tofu and tempe. In beginning I could not eat soy. Soy is very mucus forming and because I was mucus sensitive, I was soy sensitive. Now I have no problem with eating soy foods. Why? Because I cleansed out all that dairy mucus! It was real hell too! Currently I’m still eating a lot of peanuts. Yes, peanuts are a bean, not a nut. Peanuts really help you to detox and transition away from eating meat. No, I’m not worried about “aflatoxins”. lol. These scientific discoveries are interesting but I mostly listen to MY OWN NEEDS, not scientific B.S. When I’m ready to reduce the peanuts, my body will tell me so.
Nuts and seeds.
Anyone making diet changes will probably crave nuts and seeds. These are concentrated foods full of minerals and fats that you need to be healthy. Remember, it’s ok to eat all the foods that are natural and God given. One of the best places to get nuts and seeds is nuts.com. Finding good sources of healthy, organic food important for your diet journey!
One of the worst habits!
I eat only when I’m hungry. Sometimes I feel like eating – mentally but not physically. Don’t do it!!! Listen to your body. Listen to your stomach!
The ultimate elixir.
I drink plenty of water. This is very important. I also make soup regularly. I consume a lot of foods full of water. Yes, drinking plenty of clean, healthy water is an important part of your diet journey!